Art Classes, Courses and Workshops in Warrington

Live Online Portrait Painting Course

Our live online art courses are based on the same courses as taught at Walton Hall. All lessons are aimed at helping artists to develop their skills and we cover all aspects of Traditional Art from basic drawing to glazing techniques.

Our mission statement

The principles taught at the Realist Academy are based on traditional art techniques. Even if you just learn the basics, you will see an improvement in your work. We have structured the programme to accommodate beginners as well as professionals looking to improve their skills. The goal of this course is to cultivate a confident approach backed up by some sure footed knowledge. Learning the right habits are key to developing a solid working practice which could improve your skills well beyond your current ability.

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Shop for Portrait Referance Photos

“Drawing trains the eyes, practising drawing trains perception to a high degree and sets the foundation for painting – when the student has mastered perception of form, he is able to switch to colour”.

Charles Bargue

Realist Academy Manchester

One year part time study

This is a part time study course that teaches the complete process as taught on a full time course.

We encourage self reliance because at some point you will have to face the challenges of portrait painting in your own time.

Realist Academy Manchester

Learn the secrets

The secrets of Portrait Painting were almost lost due to mainstream institutions abandoning the tradition over 100 years ago.

Lucky for us there were a handful of artists willing to pass on the craft and keep this tradition alive.

Realist Academy Manchester

Build your skills with tuition

Art classes are kept to a maximum of 10 people allowing more time to be spent with each student.

Louis believes in leading from the front. If a student is struggling with their work he is willing to guide them out of any difficulty.

” I have thoroughly enjoyed my year on the Realist Academy painting course. I realised that I needed expert help to improve my portrait skills and the course really delivered. As a complete beginner I felt comfortable with the well structured approach taught by Louis. Assignments done each week were essential in practicing the skills learned in class. I’m really proud of the portraits I have managed to produce during the course and one of them won first prize in an art exhibition. Something I would never have dreamed of a year ago! I would recommend the course to anyone wishing to improve their portrait skills or learn from scratch.”
Judith Booth


If you have any questions about our courses or workshops, don’t hesitate to call or message us

we’d love to hear from you!

art classes realist academy
art courses
art courses
art courses
art courses
Art Classes