One of the most important learning aids in this program is the Assaro Head. It’s key to understanding the planal relationships of the face. The aim of this exercise to simplify the structure of the head by copying the planes of the Assaro Head and then trying to adapt the template to a persons face.
Mark and Broady did a good job of maintaining the straight edges of each plane which is more difficult than it looks.
Here are some examples of the second exercise to apply the planes of the Assaro Head. The most difficult thing for the students is keeping the tones flat. It’s to tempting to start gardating the tones and softening edges at this point. The examples below are from some of the more tenatious students that had 2 to 3 attemts at this exercise to really understand it. This was set as a homework so hats of to those that put the hours in on this one as it will pay dividens in the longrun.
Here is an example of secondary and tertiary planes. You can see that Mark has a clear approach with these examples and maintaining some restraint and keeping things simple.