Book reference

The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed, Dover Publications, 2003
This classic approach to the dynamics of drawing by a brilliant teacher is filled with insights and practical advice on line drawing, mass drawing, visual memory, materials, and much more. 84 plates and diagrams reinforce Speed’s clear presentation.

The Human Figure by John H Vanderpoel, Dover Publications
The Human Figure by John H Vanderpoel, Dover Publications This classic treatment by a master teacher offers clear, detailed instruction on drawing the human figure. More than 430 pencil and charcoal illustrations depict eyes, arms, feet, and other fundamental features. Topics include shading, curvature, proportion, foreshortening, muscular tension, and major and minor differences in the structure and representation of male and female anatomy.

Charles Bargue and Jean-Leon Gerome: Drawing Course by Gerald M Ackerman
The Bargue-Gérôme Drawing Course is a complete reprint of a famous, late nineteenth century drawing course. It contains a set of almost two hundred masterful lithographs of subjects for copying by drawing students before they attempt drawing from life or nature. Consequently it is a book that will interest artists, art students, art historians and lovers and collectors of drawings. It also introduces us to the work and life of a hitherto neglected master: Charles Bargue.

Drawing the Head and Hands Andrew Loomis
The illustrator Andrew Loomis (1892-1959) is revered amongst artists – including the great American painter Norman Rockwell and comics superstar Alex Ross – for his mastery of figure drawing and clean, Realist style.
His hugely influential series of art instruction books have never been bettered.